How to Avoid Food Waste

by | Nov 25, 2019

Created by: Kristen Carli, Dietetic Intern

Did you know that Americans waste 36 million tons of food? We could feed 25 million Americans if we simply wasted 15% less food!

Tips to Reduce Food Waste

  • Shop in your fridge first. Cook and eat what you already have in your home before buying more food. Pick out recipes to make for the week by utilizing the foods you already have at home.
  • Properly store fresh fruits and vegetables. If foods are stored properly and safely, they will be less likely to spoil. Make sure that your fridge maintains 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below at all times.
  • Know how to distinguish the various dates on food packages. If a package has a “use by” date, follow that date. The “sell by” date tells you the last day the store can sell that package. The ‘best if used by” date is the recommended date for best flavor. The “use by” date is the last date recommended for use of the product at peak quality. 
  • Properly freeze leftovers. Place food items in freezer bags. Date all freezer bags and use the oldest first. Be sure your freezer is at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below. 
  • Try using a pressure cooker to home-can leftovers.
  • If you have extra food, donate it to food banks. Be sure that the donated food is unopened. 

Material adapted from

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