Dietitian, Eating Disorder Treatment, Nutrition and Wellness Services For the Phoenix, AZ Area Including Mesa, Chandler, Tempe, Scottsdale, and Surrounding Areas.

Also Providing Telehealth Services to Clients in CO, UT, & CA.

General Nutrition and Wellness

Health is an important component to living a longer and happier life. Whether you want to learn to incorporate nutritious foods, understand how certain foods react in your body, eat more plant based, or adopt a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, we can teach you how. We also offer workplace and corporate wellness services.

General nutrition and wellness services


Diabetes is a disease that affects the production or efficiency of insulin in the body. Unmanaged diabetes creates damage to blood vessels and leads to complications such as blindness, amputations, strokes and heart attacks. By managing your diabetes with diet, exercise and sometimes medication, the damage on the vessels is minimized.

AZ Dietitians Diabetes Services

Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes damage to the health of your kidneys, usually over time. When your kidneys are not in good health, it is time to change what you eat and drink so your body will work well and you will feel better.

AZ Dietitians Kidney Disease Services

Heart Disease

Heart disease refers to a condition which affects the blood flow to the heart. Decreased blood flow can cause a heart attack. Factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol can contribute to heart disease. Poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol and obesity can contribute to these complications.

AZ Dietitians Heart Disease Services

GI Issues and Disease

Gastrointestinal problems such as IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s disease, GERD, bloating, constipation and diarrhea can make the task of daily life difficult. These issues cause malnutrition, daily discomfort, embarrassment and make it difficult to leave the house. Nutrition is a key component to managing these issues.

AZ Dietitians is now offering Gut Testing to help us get to the root cause of your GI issues. If you have questions about which testing is right for you please see our available tests here for a description or contact us.

AZ Dietitians GI Issues and Disease Services

Maternal and Lactation Nutrition

A mother’s and her baby’s nutrition needs are vital to the growth of the baby and the health of the mother. It’s important to incorporate nutritious foods that provide energy, vitamins and minerals for proper brain and body development. Proper nutrition doesn’t end when the baby is born. It continues through the span of time a baby is breastfed.

AZ Dietitians Maternal and Lactation Nutrition Services

Pediatric Nutrition

Pediatric nutrition is important for the growth and development of a child. Whether you are dealing with a picky eater or health issues, it’s important to start your child on a good foundation with food so they can establish healthy habits for the rest of their life.

AZ Dietitian Pediatric Nutrition Services

Adolescent Nutrition

Adolescents deal with a lot of social pressure about food. This is a vital time in their life where they are heavily influenced by fad diets and what their friends say. Their energy needs are high, especially if doing sports, and they often lack balance and good nutrition. It’s important that they learn how to fuel their body properly.

AZ Dietitian Adolescent Nutrition Services

Weight Management

Weight management is an important part of preventing chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Learning to adopt a healthier lifestyle can make weight management more sustainable and prevent the onset of chronic diseases.

AZ Dietitian Weight Management Services

Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition counseling takes nutrition education to the next level. Using a behavior based counseling approach, we create an awareness around behaviors and attitudes that surround food in order to peel back the layers of your relationship with food. You’ll learn to fuel your body properly to maximize your sleep, energy levels, and overall well being.

AZ Dietitians Nutrition Counseling Services

Eating Disorder Treatment

AZ Dietitians provides outpatient nutrition support for individuals in recovery from eating disorders, disordered eating, and body dissatisfaction. Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes, from Anorexia to Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Orthorexia, and everything in between. Each requires individualized treatment to break life-threatening cycles and behaviors. All utilize nutrition as the primary intervention to heal the mind, body, and soul. Whether you are just starting your eating disorder treatment journey or have been living in recovery for many years, our caring Registered Dietitian will walk alongside you on your nutrition journey.

Eating disorder treatment from a Registered Dietitian

Food Allergies

Whether you have Celiac disease, need to be gluten or dairy free, or have other food allergies, it can be overwhelming to understand how to navigate this new way of life. We teach you how to apply these lifestyle changes to be more manageable.

AZ Dietitians is now offering Food Sensitivity Testing to help us determine any food sensitivities or you could opt for the Gut Zoomer to get to the root cause of your food sensitivities or allergies. If you have questions about which testing is right for you please see our available tests here for a description or contact us.

AZ Dietitians Food Allergies and Testing Services

More Nutrition and Wellness Services

AZ Dietitian Service Facility Menu Planning

Facilities Menu Planning

We specialize in menu planning for: child care facilities, schools, group homes, nutrient analysis support, and more!

Healthier Living Workshops

Healthier Living Workshops

AZ Dietitians has partnered with Dignity Health to provide Free Healthier Living Workshops at our location.

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