Artificial sweeteners have gained popularity as an alternative way to sweeten many foods. Due to its popularity, patients with type 2 diabetes often consume artificial sweeteners in low/zero sugar options. With type 2 diabetes, the body has trouble processing sugar which means that patients need to reduce their sugar intake. So, the question that has risen over the years is whether artificial sweeteners are a great alternative to manage the disease.
What are common artificial sweeteners?
Many different sugar alternatives have been created and added to the foods we consume daily. Some of these alternatives come from natural plant sources and others are made chemically in a lab.
Most Common Artificial Sweeteners (Brand name in parenthesis):
- Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet)
- Stevia (Truvia, Pure Via)
- Sucralose (Splenda)
- Saccharin (Sweet’N Low)
- Ace-K (Sunett, Sweet One)
These are the most common sweeteners and their brand names are typically seen on sweetener packets or food labels. Artificial sweeteners are not all the same as far as their effect on the body. However, with anything, they should be used in moderation because they can affect the body with use over time.
How does sugar affect Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is an illness that results in the body having difficulty using sugar from the diet and converting it to energy. Insulin is a hormone that the body produces when sugar is consumed in food. The role of insulin is to allow the sugar into the cell so the body can utilize sugar. With diabetes, the body does not respond to insulin anymore which is called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes the body to have high blood sugar levels which can lead to damage on many organs in the body.
How do artificial sweeteners affect the body?
Artificial sweeteners are significantly sweeter than regular sugar which can affect the brain’s perception of sweetness. Due to the increase in sweetness, people may crave even more sugar than normal to reach the same level of sweetness as the artificial sweetener. The benefits of choosing artificial options include the potential for weight loss and the lack of blood sugar changes. Most artificial sweeteners have low or no calories which can help people maintain or lose weight depending on caloric intake. They also have no impact on blood sugar which means they will not cause a spike in blood sugar levels.
Different sweeteners may affect the body differently because they each are composed of different parts. Saccharin, which is the alternative found in the product Sweet’N Low, has been associated with disrupting the bacteria in the gut. The evidence for other sweetener options also having a similar impact has not been discovered in research yet. Overall, it is safe according to the FDA to have these alternative options. Moderation should be considered to prevent trouble in the body.
Relationship between sweeteners and T2DM
Although artificial sweeteners are associated with weight loss due to their low-calorie content, they can sometimes be associated with weight gain, which can impact type 2 diabetes. Since the sugar alternatives are not sugar, the question is raised as to whether they will satisfy sugar cravings or not. Research does not have a conclusion on this question, and it is likely a case-by-case issue. Some people may not feel satisfied with consuming the low-calorie/low-sugar option, which may prompt them to eat more food. Research shows conflict in this area because some individuals lose weight, and some gain weight when eating artificial sweeteners in their diet. Gut health is also related to type 2 diabetes and weight gain, which is why there is some controversy on whether artificial sweetener options are better or not for type 2 diabetes patients.
If you have further questions or concerns on this topic, ask a medical or nutritional professional! The best thing to do is to determine how artificial sweeteners make you feel! If you have type 2 diabetes and weight management or weight loss is happening while using these options, then you likely don’t need to make a change. If you are struggling to lose weight while managing diabetes, then removing artificial sweeteners may help you see better results.
Iizuka K. (2022). Is the Use of Artificial Sweeteners Beneficial for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus? The Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Sweeteners. Nutrients, 14(21), 4446.
Ruiz-Ojeda, F. J., Plaza-Díaz, J., Sáez-Lara, M. J., & Gil, A. (2019). Effects of Sweeteners on the Gut Microbiota: A Review of Experimental Studies and Clinical Trials. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 10(suppl_1), S31–S48.